Training stakeholders, business partners and the entire Global Digital Marketing organization on site style and digital content best practices was as equally crucial to the business as establishing the site style guide. Immediately after publishing and communicating the style guide launch, I set up two, 20-minute interactive sessions for each of the seven style guide categories over the course of one fiscal quarter to educate more than 350 attendees (including field marketing representatives in Africa, China, Europe, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Middle East and Portugal). I also held diverse & inclusive terminology and accessibility/ADA compliance trainings this entire group as well. These trainings live on our intranet and are available on-demand for onboarding new team members or if anyone needs a refresh.

Please note: This material is property of Dell Technologies. I’m limited in what I can share externally, but here’s a clip of me presenting our guidelines around footnotes and a clip of a group of attendees doing real-time practice after said trainings. You’ll notice in the real-time practice that there’s playful, light commentary during this time and it was in that moment that I knew I had created an educational, easily-consumable and — dare I say it — fun training session formula. Mission accomplished.


Dell Technologies Site Style Guide | Dell Technologies


Enterprise & Client Content Samples | Dell Technologies